Sunday, December 23, 2012

Dishonored.... What a Surprise!

So this will be the first game to review using my beloved geforce gtx670. I bought this game on a whim.... Didn't think at all. Just looked at the Amazon reviews and thought I'd have to take it. It just came out and it has received praise although the cover doesn't reveal much (but which cover does anyway?!).

After seeing this....

and this.... I thought ok, now THAT doesn't look to shabby. It was described as a steampunk adventure and since I've not had anything to do with that genre I thought what the hell. Then I did press some key to continue and what pop up looked something like this....

I couldn't believe my eyes and my head was screaming "oh no you didn't" while snapping at me from left to right. It was a freaking ego-shooter-adventure game!!! You guys have no idea how much I hate ego-shooters and it all goes back to that one moment when I was around 8 years old and the first installment of Lara Croft: Tomb Raider came out. I was in something close to the ego perspective and suddenly a freaking tiger jumped at me from nowhere! It scared me shitless and I guess it's sort of a trauma that I got from that experience. Anyways, I gave myself a push and just freaking finished the tutorial, let it sit for a couple of days, until today.... It was like BOOM! It hit me.... This game is freaking amazing!

You start out somewhere in prison because you have been falsely accused of murdering the empress. You then belong to a sort of rebel outlaw group trying to rescue the empress' daughter and reinstating the empire. You do not only get a sword as your weapon, you get to choose from many options for your left hand. Use guns, crossbows, traps or grenades. And what would the world be without magic?! You have been chosen by a magic organisation and you've been granted powers. Your character Carvo equips these spells/ abilities on the left hand too. Special powers range from slowing time to summoning rats to kill for you.

Your character becomes an assassin an the game is getting more fun to play by the minute. Once you start mastering all the hotkeys, settings and moves... believe me, this game uses far more keys than I'm used to.

You also have the option to upgrade your equiptment and learn new special abilities by collecting runes. This game has charmed me and is so much more than just some ego-shooter adventure. The devil lays in the details and satan did a really good job here!

Now, here are some screenshots for you! Enjoy and have fun gaming!

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