It is a really light and easy read. The words flow effortlessly throughout the book and you get hooked pretty quickly.
The book is basically about Katie who moves into this little town called Southport to begin a new life. She is running from her husband that has been abusing her for years now. She meets Alex who is a local store owner, widow and father of two. They fall in love and she opens herself to him and yadayadayada... the usual schnuff. In the end her husband Kevin finds her and causes this huge scene best to be read. She shoots him and all is well.
This may sound a little boring to you eh? It would to me too by just reading what I have wrapped up. So here are the main reasons why I kept reading:
1. I love love stories. What's there to say?!
2. I liked the whole background story of Katie. This is one of the most in depth backgound info I ever got from Nicholas Sparks. It really goes down to the details on how she felt in an abusive relationship, why she didn't leave etc.
3. I liked how he portrayed the counterpart; her husband Kevin. How he kept relating to the bible to justify his actions. It was great to actually read the patterns that Kevin was displaying in his train of thought.
This Story did NOT move me or made me cry like the other ones. This book rather made me think. It made me think back on my actions, on my train of thought. You can read them up here: WHY I TOLERATED HIM if you'd like.
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