I am finally writing about my all time favorite author Katie MacAlister. If you knew me, you would immediately say that her types of books just give me the best of all my favorite topics: fantasy, Vampires, Dragons, Love, Sex and the deep conversations somewhere in between. Oh, and did I mention to forget the HUNKS?!?! Yeah so pretty much my department ;)

The first book by Katie that I have ever read was "A Girl's Guide to Vampires." I remember this special day clearly when I was walking through the aisles of National Bookstore in Dumaguete City, Philippines (that was like, gosh, 4 or 5 years ago) and I saw this beautiful cover that just literally spoke to me "buy meeeeehhh" and I had to get it. Turned out that this book and all the other ones that followed, would pave my readership road to undying loyalty towards Katie. "A Girl's Guide to Vampires" held me from the very first word until the last symbol. Katie just has the ability to literally make you a book addict. I felt every second of my being, that I absolutely had to freaking continue the story until it's finished. I remember for this book particularly that I started it in the afternoon and read it throughout the night until I finished it. It was the FIRST book EVER I read in one sitting. Immediately I set off to buy the other books and thank goodness I found some other books by her. I gulped them down like they were food. Unfortunately, getting the other books was a little difficult because back in the Philippines it wasn't that easy to order online and I had to order her books from Amazon but they had to deliver it to Germany first and then it would be sent to the Philippines from a relative of mine. That was the trouble I went through to quench my thirst for her books.

The first books I read were the so-called Dark Ones Novels. Instead of calling the characters vampires, Katie invented the Moravians of which there are the ones who are made into being a vampire and the ones born. The ones without soul are the ones made called Dark Ones. They are stronger that normal humans, they do suck blood, but they can't fly and don't have all the mystical superhuman abilities like changing into bats. Every Dark One has a Beloved who is supposed to give them their soul back. Dark Ones only have one Beloved that exists for each and once the rituals are completed, they are bound for life. In the end, only the Beloved can feed the Dark One and if the Beloved dies, the Dark one will die too.

I loved Katie's approach to vampires from the very beginning and I think that her vampires are unique in abilities and story. What I also like about her books is that every book is an independent read itself, but all characters are somehow connected to each other and will eventually appear again as a guest in another book. Every book also has its love story and plenty of yummy flesh to ponder on which makes the reads even more exciting. MacAlister does not only write about vampires, but she also writes about dragons and contemporaries. I will present the dragon stories to you in an entirely different post however, so keep looking forward to that.
Katie made my life brighter and she strengthened my love for books as well. I cannot wait until I have another book in my hands that is labeled Katie MacAlister.....
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