Both Greg and Liz were also writers for Sex and the City and while discussing relationships and men (since the writers pool were mainly female) Greg and Liz came up with this book.
I have learned to love and treasure this book and so should every woman who knows she deserves a MAN. The book comes with an introduction about how this book works and why it was written. The body itself is written in a question and answer letter type. After a couple of questions both Liz and Greg comment the letters with their take on This is What it Should Look Like and This is What's Hard About This One. Lovely comments where you see the angle of the man in action or better said in no action and the point of us women and why we sometimes can't accept the ugly truth.
Greg and Liz discuss all the different kinds of excuses that you may encounter in a relationship or while dating, that should show you: GIRL! He is not even a little bit into you! Let me give you a quick list of chapters that you will encounter in this book: He's Just Not That Into You If He's Not Asking You Out, He's Just Not That Into You If He's Not Calling You, He's Just Not That Into You If He's Not Having Sex With You, He's Just Not That Into You If He's Not Dating You, He's Just Not That Into You If He's Married and the list goes on.
I love the little details and funny answers and after every chapter Greg and Liz have a little exercise for the reader which is called Our Super-Good Really Helpful Workbook. Lovely book with life changing insights. Girls he is just not that into you if he does nothing and there ain't any excuse that is going to make him like you. Don't waste your time on trash because Prince Charming could be the guy your missing out on while dating trash.
And as a little teaser I got some excerpts for you.
he's just not that into you if he's not calling you. Men know how to use the phone.
The "But He's Got a Lot on His Mind" Excuse
Dear Greg,
On New Year's Day, a guy I'd had a few dates with, who I was very excited about, was late for a date. I called him, and he, very apologetically, told me he had to go out of town to take care of his mother. He totally forgot to call me. I'm so confused. His mother is really sick, but it wasn't a desperate emergency; he just had to drive out to Connecticut. Greg, I really like this guy. Please say a sick mother is a good enough excuse to forgive him, and believe he still can be into me.
Dear New Year,
Ah yes, here's a bad excuse in sick mother's clothing. Because still, no matter what, what he's telling you is, "You're not on my mind." Because if you were, he would have called you expressing great regret at not being able to spend the day with you. If he had the time to pack an travel, he had the time to call you, and he chose not to. (You call it "forget." I call it "chose not to.") When you like someone, they don't just slip your mind. Especially on New Year's Day. I know it may seem like he had a good excuse, but sadly, I think your New Year started off with a big glass of "He's just not that into you." Now nurse your hangover and find someone who won't forget to call you.
The big question here is, "Is it okay for a guy to forget to call me?" I'm saying to you, "No." Barring disaster - someone had to be rushed to the hospital, he was just fired from his job, someone keyed his Ferrari (kidding) - he should never forget to call you. If I like you, I don't forget you, ever. Don't you want the guy who'll forget about all the other things in his life before he forgets about you?